Mood response in training and rest condition in veteran endurance runners with a negative addiction to running: a pilot study
DOI: clave:
anger, depression, fatigue, runningResumen
To analyze how mood status of veteran endurance athletes is modified in training and resting days, according to addiction level toward endurance running. 30 veteran endurance athletes participated in thisstudy (age=40.53±8.20 years). The Negative Addiction Scale (NAS) and the Profile of Mood Status (POMS) were used. Participants were classified like an addicted when obtained a score ≥5 in NAS. Athletes performed the POMS in non successive days, 4 training days and 4 resting days. The addicted athletes significantly increased (p<.05) the scores in tension, depression and anger in resting days. In non-addicted group is significantly increased (p=.015) in resting days. Non-addicted group showed in resting days, significant lower values (p<.05) in tension, depression, fatigue and anger than addicted group. Non-addicted athletes showed an iceberg profile in training and resting days, while addicted athletes only in training days. Significant correlations (p<.05) were found between NAS and tension, depression, fatigue and anger in resting days. The veteran endurance athletes with negative addiction to running modify the mood state in resting days, even when the rest is planned, and an increase in tension, depression, and anger values is produced.
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