Effects of active exergames training on physical functional performance in older females (Efectos del entrenamiento de exergames activos sobre el rendimiento físico funcional en mujeres mayores)
https://doi.org/10.12800/ccd.v17i51.1658Palabras clave:
physical fitness, resistance training, frail elderly, aged, video games, exercise (condición física, entrenamiento de resistencia, ancianos frágiles, envejecido, videojuegos, ejercicio)Resumen
Objective: To analyze the effects of 8 weeks of an active exergames training program on walking speed, static balance, timed up-and-go test, and sit-to-stand performance in older females. Methods: Two groups of participants were formed by block design randomization as follows: (i) control group (n=12; age, 74.1±7.9 years); (ii) 8 week exergames training group (n=13; age, 75.6±9.1 years). Training was undertaken three times per week, including athletic, bowling and table tennis exergames. Each exergame had a duration of 8 min, with 2 min of recovery between exergames. The intensity of the training sessions was controlled using the 10-point rating of perceived exertion scale. Results: Group×time interactions were observed for the 4 m walking speed test, static balance test, timed up-and-go test and the 5-repetition sit- to-stand test (all p<0.01; d=0.46 0.80). Conclusion: Exergames training improve physical functional performance in older females. These results should be considered when designing appropriate and better training programs for older adults, since active exergames training it is an affordable and low-cost alternative for community centres and preventive health units working with this population.
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