Transnationalism And Professional Coaches’ Migration Processes: A Systematic Mapping Review


  • Fran Herruzo Torres Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Anna Jordana Casas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Miquel Torregrossa Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



The aim of this article is to study the existing knowledge on
migratory processes in professional coaches. To achieve
this, a systematic mapping review of existing literature was
conducted. The systematic search extended up to August
31, 2023, with no date or language restrictions established.
Twenty-one studies were selected and analyzed, examining
their objectives, design, and sample characteristics from
three different migratory perspectives (i.e., emigrant,
immigrant, and mixed). In the synthesis of the results of
the included studies, it was observed that the majority of
coaches were positive about migration and recommended
it to others due to the personal and professional benefits
it entails. However, difficulties were also found at both
personal (e.g., loss of social ties) and professional (e.g.,
training standards and sports culture) levels upon arrival
in the new country and adapting to the new sociocultural
context. Future research should pay specific attention to
female coaches, who have received less attention thus
far, explore the impact of cultural transition on the mental
health of coaches, and analyze similarities and differences
between the migratory processes of athletes and coaches



How to Cite

Herruzo Torres, F., Jordana Casas, A., & Torregrossa, M. (2024). Transnationalism And Professional Coaches’ Migration Processes: A Systematic Mapping Review. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 19(61).



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