Teacher training students’ perception of outdoor activities and their applicability in school centers
https://doi.org/10.12800/ccd.v16i49.1540Palabras clave:
Initial training, perception, usefulness, methodology, limitations (Formación inicial, percepción, utilidad, metodología, limitaciones, actividades).Resumen
Teachers’ perception of insufficient training is one of the reasons why outdoor activities are not carried out properly in some schools. The aim of this qualitative study was to know the opinion of future teachers about this content. A total of 62 students (34 men and 28 women; 22.74±1.57 years) from the Degree in Primary School Education from a Spanish university participated voluntarily. To collect data, practice diaries were employed, completed at the end of the different work contents. A content analysis of the 477 journals delivered through the software NVivo 12-Plus programme was carried out. Previously, a category system defined by two dimensions was established: Firstly, the sensations aroused by the practice of outdoor activities; secondly, their possible replicability in a Primary School classroom. In the first dimension, references to the emotional and social facets dominated. In the second one, the perception of an improvement in professional performance and the intention of replicating it due to its high educational value, as well as the limitations to its applicability in schools were remarkable. It can be concluded that initial training should focus more on finding solutions to the limitations encountered by students.
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