Analysis of the user experience (ux) of A fitness App by gender


  • Antonio José Catalán Ubero Universidad de Sevilla
  • Manel Valcarce-Torrente Universidad Inteernacional de Valencia
  • Pablo Gálvez-Ruiz Universidad Inteernacional de Valencia
  • Salvador Angosto University of Murcia
  • Jerónimo García-Fernández Universidad de Sevilla



Fitbe is a technological tool that facilitates the comprehensive management of sports spaces and helps users to practice physical activity. User experience is a key aspect to take into account when adopting the use of technological tools.
The general objective is to analyse the user experience of
sports centres with the Fitbe fitness app, as well as to examine the intention to use and exercise with the app in the future according to gender, age and level of education. A sample of 174 people (53 men and 121 women) was used.
The user experience questionnaire (UEQ) was used. The
results showed that pragmatic qualities had higher values
than hedonic qualities, with statistically significant differences according to gender and educational level. A cluster analysis identified three groups according to the level of intention to use the Fitbe tool. Developers of digital tools and applications should consider the user experience when designing such systems to improve the user experience.



How to Cite

Catalán Ubero, A. J. ., Valcarce-Torrente, M., Gálvez-Ruiz, P., Angosto, S., & García-Fernández, J. (2024). Analysis of the user experience (ux) of A fitness App by gender. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 19(60).



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