Recovery strategies for sports performance in the spanish professional basketball league (ACB)


  • Julio Calleja-González Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Education and Sport, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
  • Albert Altarriba-Bartes Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya
  • Juan Mielgo-Ayuso Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Valladolid, Soria, Spain.
  • Martí Casals UVic-UCC Sport and Physical Activity Studies Centre (CEEAF), Faculty of Medicine. University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona, Spain. Medical Department, Futbol Club Barcelona, Barça Innovation Hub, Barcelona, Spain
  • Nicolás Terrados Regional Unit of Sports Medicine, Municipal Sports Foundation of Avilés, Avilés, Spain
  • Javier Peña Sport Performance Analysis Research Group (SPARG), University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona, Spain. UVic-UCC Sport and Physical Activity Studies Centre (CEEAF), University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona, Spain


Palabras clave:

recovery methods, professional players, survey, team sports, questionnaire


This study aimed to describe the recovery strategies used by the Spanish professional basketball teams playing in the “Liga ACB.” Data from all teams during the 2019-2020 season (n = 18), and the team promoted for the season 2020-2021 were collected using a six-section online survey. Protocols, timings, and recovery strategies employed differed among teams. However, natural and physical recovery strategies such as sleep/nap, food/fluid replacement, active field, or gym-based cool-downs, use of supplementation, active or passive stretching, cold/ice bath/shower/immesion, massage, and foam-rolling were the most used among seventeen teams (>89%). Food and fluid replacement, showed a higher presence in the recovery protocols after competition and practice, always used by thirteen or more teams (~70%). The design and supervision of recovery are multidisciplinary tasks in 74% of the teams. Only two teams (11%) acknowledged not periodizing or individualizing recovery, while the other seventeen used these procedures regularly, considering different parameters, being previous injuries a factor always present. Teams not reaching the playoffs used a higher number of recovery strategies on average. This study provides a real vision of how the “Liga ACB” teams use recovery protocols, and pertinent contextual information that may be used for coaches and practitioners to tailor them.

Biografía del autor/a

Julio Calleja-González, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Education and Sport, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.

Julio Calleja-González holds a PhD in Sports Sciences. . His current positions are: Applied Sport Scientist, Performance Scientist, Strength and Conditioning Coach. Lecturer of Exercise Physiology and Sport Training at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb (Croatia). Professor Master ARD at Spanish Olympic Committee (Spain).

Dr. Calleja has been the Head of S & C of Spanish National basketball teams (Under -15,-18,-20, B team) and in different professional basketball clubs. Scientific consultant of basketball professional players. Julio is also personal trainer of several top athletes: (Eneko Acero, Surfing European championship, Alberto Iñurrategui, World top Class Hymalayist and Clemente Alonso, Top level Ironman triathlete). He has been S&C in Spanish Rugby Federation (National Academy). He has Been Head of the S & C at Basque Rugby Federation. Applied Sport Scientist (Recovery) at Dominican Republic Basketball Team in FIBA AMERICAS and Pre-olympic Tournament

Albert Altarriba-Bartes, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya

Albert Altarriba-Bartes holds a PhD, an MSc in Sports Science and High performance in soccer and a BSc in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Physical Therapy. Albert teaches on the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of UVic-UCC. He is a member of the Sports Performance Analysis Research Group (SPARG) in the same institution.

Albert has worked as a professional fitness coach at Birmingham City Football Club (2017-2018), as head of fitness and performance with the New York Red Bulls (2013-2015) and as a physical therapist and strength and injury rehabilitation specialist at F.C. Barcelona (2006-2013). His research interests are related to top-level sports performance, injury epidemiology and injury prevention.

Juan Mielgo-Ayuso, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Valladolid, Soria, Spain.

Juan Mielgo-Ayuso holds a PhDin Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and in Biomedical Research. During the doctorate degree he increased his experience in the field of nutrition research. For more than 10 years, he worked as a Director in The Miela-Diet, SL Company, doing a consulting work in dietetics and nutrition in different population groups where he acquired a great background in nutritional research. He continued his scientific career as a postdoctoral researcher at the Polytechnic University of Madrid with Professor Dr. Marcela González Gross in the area of Public Health and Epidemiology, actively collaborating in different projects, one of them of great European relevance (the HELENA project "Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence").

Juan has published many scientific articles in JCR journals. He is co-author of 5 books, 5 chapters, besides having elaborated the teaching material of the subject of Nutrition and Dietetics in the Isabel I university.

Martí Casals, UVic-UCC Sport and Physical Activity Studies Centre (CEEAF), Faculty of Medicine. University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona, Spain. Medical Department, Futbol Club Barcelona, Barça Innovation Hub, Barcelona, Spain

Martí Casals holds a PhD, an MSc in Biostatistics and a BSc in Statistics. Martí lectures in Biostatistics at the Faculty of Medicine of UVic-UCC and the School of Health and Sport Sciences at EUSES. He is a member of the Sports performance analysis Research Group (SPARG) at UVic-UCC.

Martí is also collaborating as a sports statistician at FC Barcelona (Barça Innovation Hub) and has worked in the past as an external biostatistician and basketball analyst for the Memphis Grizzlies (NBA). His research interests include statistical science, sports analytics, injury epidemiology and sports biostatistics.

Nicolás Terrados, Regional Unit of Sports Medicine, Municipal Sports Foundation of Avilés, Avilés, Spain

Nicolás Terrados holds a PhD in Sports Medicine physician. In 1988 he joined the Spanish Olympic Sports Association as a doctor. He worked as part of the monitoring program for several Olympic teams until the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. During the same period, he was also part of the medical team of the Spanish Olympic Committee.

From 1998 until 2002, he served as chief of medical services for the ONCE Cycling team.

In 2004, Terrados became director of the Unit of High Performance Sports Medicine in Avilés. During the 2011/2012 “La Liga”season, he also worked with the medical team of Sevilla FC.

In 2015, he helped Pau Gasol to prepare for the European Championship of basketball.

He has published more than a hundred articles and scientific papers in national and international congresses and journals and has received a dozen awards throughout his professional career, among which are: the 1985 National Award "Dr. Camuñez" for the best work scientist in the area of Sports Medicine, awarded by the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine.

Javier Peña, Sport Performance Analysis Research Group (SPARG), University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona, Spain. UVic-UCC Sport and Physical Activity Studies Centre (CEEAF), University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Vic, Barcelona, Spain

Javier Peña holds a PhD, an MSc in High-Performance Sports, and a BSc in Physical Education. He is also an NSCA CSCS*D and an FIVB Level III volleyball coach. Javier teaches on the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of UVic-UCC and is a member of the Sports Performance Analysis Research Group (SPARG) in the same institution.

He also has an extensive professional background as a coach, assistant coach, strength and conditioning specialist, and consultant in professional sports. Javier is currently leading different research, and knowledge translation projects and has published numerous scientific peer-reviewed articles and two books. His fields of expertise are strength and conditioning, team sports training, injury prevention, and sports analytics.


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Cómo citar

Calleja-González, J., Altarriba-Bartes, A., Mielgo-Ayuso, J., Casals, M., Terrados, N., & Peña, J. (2021). Recovery strategies for sports performance in the spanish professional basketball league (ACB). Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 16(49).



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