Repeated sprints training in soccer players: Effects on repeated sprint ability, jump and reaction time


  • Iván Asín Izquierdo
  • Luis Gutiérrez García
  • Javier Raya González
  • Daniel Castillo Alvira
  • Javier Sánchez Sánchez
  • Alejandro Rodriguez Fernández



resistencia a la velocidad, temporada competitiva, deportes de equipo, fases competitivas.



 Repeated sprint training appears to be an efficient strategy for the simultaneous development of different fitness components in intermittent sport. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of implement training with repeated sprint training on repeated sprint ability (RSA), reaction time in fatigue condition and jump height. Twenty-seven young soccer players (age 17.7 ± 0.7 years) were assigned to intervention group (GER, n = 14) and control group (GC, n = 13). Both groups perform over four weeks the identical training program with the objective that the previous training did not condition the results and later, GER implement the habitual training with specific intervention (habitual training plus 3 weekly sessions, 2 sets of 8 repetitions on 10-30 meters at maximum intensity) and GC continue with habitual training over the last four weeks of the competitive period. Repeated sprint training not shown significant improvement in mean time (TE = -0.17, Possible Trivial) and decrement (TE = -0.11, unclear) obtained in an RSA test, nor in the difference between the reaction time of sprint 1 and 8 of an RSA test before and after the intervention (TE = 0.27; Clear). The implementation of the habitual training by RST at the end of the competitive season has not shown significant positive effects in the RSA nor in the reaction time in young players.


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2021-09-06 — Updated on 2021-09-08


How to Cite

Asín Izquierdo, I., Gutiérrez García, L., Raya González, J., Castillo Alvira, D., Sánchez Sánchez, J., & Rodriguez Fernández, A. (2021). Repeated sprints training in soccer players: Effects on repeated sprint ability, jump and reaction time. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 16(49). (Original work published September 6, 2021)



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