Competence development through participatory assessment in higher education: An analysis of current trends and their impact on the training of students in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences


  • Jaime Casterad Seral Unizar
  • Víctor Murillo Lorente Universidad de Zaragoza
  • José Antonio Poblador Vallés
  • Javier Álvarez Medina



In university education, the main objective is to strengthen the skills and competencies of students to face the challenges of the modern era, be responsible citizens and good professionals. This work focused on evaluating the collaborative participation of university students in physical activity and sports sciences in the acquisition of degree competencies. The results in previous courses showed variations in instrumental, personal and interpersonal, systemic and other competencies with moderate to very large effect sizes. Teaching-learning activities were designed to improve the competences obtained with the worst results, in previous courses, such as "learning to learn-teaching to teach", as well as the use of active learning methodologies to increase the level of competence. The results indicated that learning and the ability to learn are considered important and are being developed effectively. Motivation and the ability to learn independently also improve. The intervention in student competencies was positive, especially in the systemic ones, but the acquisition of other competencies needs to be improved. In conclusion, this research shows that the combination of teaching-practice, reflection, collaboration and experience are effective in improving students' skills and competencies.



How to Cite

Casterad Seral, J., Murillo Lorente, V., Poblador Vallés, J. A., & Álvarez Medina, J. (2024). Competence development through participatory assessment in higher education: An analysis of current trends and their impact on the training of students in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 19(62).



Artículos / Articles