New horizons in Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte


  • Raquel Vaquero Cristóbal Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM), España
  • Lucía Abenza Cano Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM), España
  • Juan de Dios Bada Jaime Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM), España
  • Álvaro Díaz Aroca Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM), España
  • Adrián Mateo Orcajada Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM), España
  • Antonio Sánchez Pato Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM), España



Dear readers of Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte:

We are pleased to inform you that we have improved the web of Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte migrating to the system Open Jounal Systems (OJS) version 3, which allows us to provide greater functionality and services to our authors, reviewers and readers. This upgrade is in line with the constant search for quality that has guided our Journal since its creation more than 15 years ago. We hope that you like the new system, that it is easy to use and that it offers you a satisfactory navigation, for which we have worked so hard in this transition. We wish that you like the new system, that it is easy to use and that it offers you the satisfactory navigation that we have worked so hard for in this transition.

On the other hand, the latest Journal Citation Reports (JCR) ranking included as the main novelty the impact factor called Journal Citation Report (JCI), which takes into account a greater number of parameters than the previous Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF) ranking. In this sense, we are pleased to inform you that our journal has been indexed in this new ranking with a score of 0.25, which places it in the third quartile (Q3) in the category of “Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism”.

The Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) for 2020 has also been published. Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte has a score of 0.243, with an H-index of 12, ranking in the third quartile (Q3) in “Health (Social Science)”, “Physical Therapy”, “Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation” and the fourth quartile (Q4) in “Sports Science”.

Likewise, the new score 2020 of the Ibero-American Ranking of Journals: Ranking REDIB has been published, where we are once again in the first quartile (Q1), in the thematic area of “Social Sciences and Humanities”, category “Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism”.

Furthermore, in the 2020 update of the Quality Ranking of Spanish Scientific Journals carried out by


the FECYT, Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte has been placed in the second quartile (Q2) in “Educational Sciences”, with a total of 34.23 points, and in “Psychology”, with a total of 32.23 points.

The editorial team of Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte would like to thank all the readers, authors and reviewers who, in one way or another, have been collaborating with the Journal, as these achievements are the result of everyone’s work. We will continue to work on improving of Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte in order to continue reaping future successes.



2021-09-06 — Actualizado el 2021-09-07


Cómo citar

Vaquero Cristóbal, R., Abenza Cano, L., Bada Jaime, J. de D., Díaz Aroca, Álvaro, Mateo Orcajada, A., & Sánchez Pato, A. (2021). New horizons in Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte . Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 16(49). (Original work published 6 de septiembre de 2021)



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