Development Of An Android-Based Digital Game Instrument For Evaluating Volleyball Serve And Smash Skills


  • Muslimin Sport Educations Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training, Education and Language, Bina Darma University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Destriana Physical Education and Health Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Aprizal Fikri



This research aims to develop a digital instrumentbased volleyball game skill test tool. Data collection uses observation, questionnaire, interview, and test. The data
analysis technique used in this study was quantitative descriptive statistics with the effectiveness test using t-test.
The small-scale trials given to 12 subjects had an average value of 78.2% in the category of “good/feasible” to proceed to the large-scale trial phase. The results of the Testing Protocol for Monitoring Spike and Serve Speed in Volleyball are radar sensor-based service and smash tests not based on Android. The renewal of this research is that application software tools have been added to the Android application so that it can be used on an Android smartphone. Therefore, a digital game instrument of volleyball skills is “Eligible” and effective to be used as a tool to measure the technical ability of volleyball players.




How to Cite

Muslimin, Destriana, & Fikri, A. (2024). Development Of An Android-Based Digital Game Instrument For Evaluating Volleyball Serve And Smash Skills. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 19(61).



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