El olimpismo como filosofía de vida. Thomas Bach, paradigma de la carrera dual. (Olimpism as life philosophy. Thomas Bach, paradigm of the dual career).


  • Antonio Sánchez Pato





El presente ensayo pretende ensalzar la figura de Thomas Bach, Presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional, por sus méritos académicos, deportivos y profesionales para hacerle merecedor del Doctorado Honoris Causa por la Universidad Católica de Murcia. Comienza haciendo un recorrido por su vida académica y deportiva desde su juventud hasta la actualidad. Resalta significativamente su figura como ejemplo de carrera dual, al haber combinado perfectamente su formación académica con un alto desempeño deportivo. Al mismo tiempo, descubre las características y vivencias personales que le han hecho llegar a su éxito personal y profesional, tanto en la empresa privada como en los organismos deportivos. Indagando en los principales documentos públicos de su candidatura a la presidencia del COI y en su programa de gobierno al frente de este organismo, descubrimos las claves del éxito profesional de este insigne personaje.

Palabras clave: Olimpismo, Bach, formación integral.



The present essay aims to eulogize the figure of Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, for their academic, sporting and professional merits to make him worthy of the doctorate Honoris Causa by the Universidad Católica de Murcia. The manuscript begins doing an outing of his academic and sporting life from his youth until now. The essay significantly highlights his figure as an example of dual career, because he has ideally combined his academic learning with a highperformance sport. At the same time, the manuscript shows the characteristics and personal experiences what have made he reach his personal and professional success, both in sport organizations and private enterprise. This work displays the professional key to ssuccess of this illustrious personality, investigating in major public documents of his candidacy for the Presidency of the IOC and in his program of Government as head of this organization.

Key words: Olimpism, Bach, integral formation.

How to Cite

Sánchez Pato, A. (2015). El olimpismo como filosofía de vida. Thomas Bach, paradigma de la carrera dual. (Olimpism as life philosophy. Thomas Bach, paradigm of the dual career). Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 10(29), 155–160. https://doi.org/10.12800/ccd.v10i29.554



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